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Showing posts from January, 2016


Tweet मृत्युपत्र    विष्णु पोखरेल  यो पत्र होइन । मृत्युपत्र हो । कसैलाई बकपत्र लाग्ला । कसैलाई जीवनको छोडपत्र । पत्र त पत्रै हो–मृत्युलाप पत्र । जीवनगमनपत्र । परमधामपत्र । मरण–चरणपत्र । हुनसक्छ कसैका लागि–पतित पत्र । खलपत्र । हारपत्र । अनि केहीका लागि अलमलपत्र ।  जब माओको मस्तिष्कबाट मोहम्मद बोल्छु । मलाई नै थाहा हुदैन–म मर्दैछु । सीताको राज्यमा बसेर रावणले हरण गरेको सोच्छु र विभिषण बन्ने प्रयत्न गर्छु । बरा फ्रायड जिउदै हुदाहुन्–तिनको बुता के चल्थ्यो? मेरो मस्तिष्को कोर्टेक्सलाई कोट्याउने? हुन पनि हो, सीताहरण त वनबासमा पो हुन्छ । जब सुसुम्नाले सन्देश दिन्छ–मुहारमा कान्ती हराउ“छ । मन एकतमासे बन्दै डराउ“छ । थाम्दाथाम्दै थाप्लोबाट चिसिदै गएको संवेदनाले नाभी कमाउ“छ । खै, जत्ति नाभी काम्दापनि लोकलाजको डर भने छैन । होस् पनि किन? जबसम्म दिमाग ठेगानमा हुन्छ, तबसम्म पो लोकलाज? मुटुको चाललाई धामीको ड्याङ्ग्रो ठान्ने भएपछि, मस्तिष्कले कसरी जानोस् लाजको लवज? बिचरो धमिराले मक्काएको ढोड भइसक्यो ।  अ‍‍‍.......अगि के पो भन्दै थिए? ए ए ‘पत्र’ । हो त बाबै, यो मेरो मृत्युपत्र हो । लोकले द

Academic Imperialists

Tweet During my childhood days, I used to listen to a story related to Russian Czars. They were autocratic rulers who never entertained any critique from public. No one dared to talk against them. But one day it was brought to a Czar’s notice that a person had been speaking against him in public. In a fit of rage, the ruler issued orders for bringing that person to the royal palace. Everybody assumed that Czar was going to kill him. But, strangely, that didn’t happen. People were surprised to see the man, critical of Czar, coming back from the palace, alive.  When asked why Czar did not harm him, the man responded: “Czar wanted to know about his wrongdoings from me,” he told them. “Just because nobody ever dared to point out his mistakes, he never got a chance to rectify them. I did, and now,” he shouted to an awed audience, “He has appointed me as his advisor.” The story underscores the importance of critique in our life. Critique and comment serves an important purpose in